2024年度 新米 NEW CROP
「山形No.95」(山形95号)はコシヒカリとひとめぼれの系譜を継ぐ品種です。食味は「はえぬき」や「ひとめぼれ」と比較しても一粒一粒がふっくら大きく丸みをおびていて、炊飯すると光沢と歯ごたえがしっかりあり、さっぱりとした味わいです。「山形No.95」(山形95号)は「つや姫」と命名された97号と同時期に 選抜・育成され、十万粒の中から最後の2つまで残りましたが、 惜しくもブランド化を逃しひっそりとデビューしたお米です。アメリカではGREAT RICEでしか購入できないお米です。
"Yamagata No.95" is a variety that inherits the lineage of Koshihikari and Hitomebore. Compared to Haenuki and Hitomebore, each grain is plump, large and rounded. When cooked, it has a luster and chewiness, giving it a refreshing taste.
Yamagata No. 95 was developed at the same time as No. 97, which would later debut as "Tsuyahime". Both No. 95 and Tsuyahime grains were selected out of a group of 100,000 different strains, but Tsuyahime was selected and No.95 did not receive official branding. In the United States, No.95 can only be purchased from Great Rice.